
6 Foods To Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain

  Arthritis is a very broad term. It refers to a variety of joint pain or joint disease. The biggest symptom of arthritis is inflammation in one or more of your joints. Other symptoms include pain, swelling, stiffness, and a lower range of motion in the joints. While your diet won’t cure your arthritis, you can manage the pain with it. A healthy diet can help you reduce inflammation, strengthen bones, and boost the immune system. A healthy, balanced diet can improve most things in your body. More than anything, it helps you stay at a healthy weight which eases the pressure put on your joints. Your body functions at its best when you eat a wide variety of healthy foods. Most people notice an almost immediate change when they eat a balanced and varied diet. This helps your body get all the antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. 1.      Dark Leafy Greens Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli and collard greens are very good sources for vitamins E and C. Vitamin

The Complete Guide to Knee Pain Treatment at Home

Knee. Now here’s the thing about this joint. It is massively useful. I know we don’t think about it too often but just think : what if we didn’t have knees? Well, we would be walking weird, for starters. We could only use our hips and our legs would be more like crutches made out of flesh.   That sounds like the stuff of nightmares, doesn’t it? Alright, now stop thinking about it. The reason I implanted this scary image in your mind is to emphasise the importance of knees in our lives.   Why is it that we only only pay attention to our knees when it starts to hurt? Surely, we should be taking care of it enough that it doesn’t hurt at all. Anyway, if you have reached a point in your life where for one reason or another, you are suffering from knee pain, then rest assured that you’ve stumbled onto the right blog.   So, here it is Tips to Treat Knee pain at Home 1.      Hot or cold packs   This is really the most immediate treatment for any kind of joint or muscle pain. Using ho

How to Manage Joint Pain with Ortho Sudha Oil

  Joint pain can be a difficult thing to deal with. It can cause problems in movement and often come with other symptoms such as swelling and stiffness in the joints. Either mild to severe, the pain may be caused by arthritis, gout, sprain or injury affecting the ligaments and tendons that surround the joint.   If you don’t have any of the above causes and are still suffering from joint pain then Ayurveda may be the answer for you. Ayurveda believes that joint pain occurs as a result of the imbalance in the functional energy or Dosha in the body, called Vata. This energy allows movement and spaces (space between the joints). An imbalance in a form of Vata called Vyana Vata can lead to circulation problems. As a result of this, the tissues do not get the nourishment it needs. This causes wear and tear in the joints leading to severe pain. Another form of energy is the Shleshaka Kapha. This keeps the joints lubricated and allows for smooth movement.   A dosha imbalance leads to the weake

A Complete Guide To Neck Pain Relief And Prevention

A stiff neck generally occurs as a result of muscles weakening over time due to poor posture or misuse. When you look down at your computer monitor all day, it can tire out the muscles around your neck joints and make them overstretched. If you drive for long periods of time or keep looking at your smartphone, it can have the same effect. If you keep doing this every day, it can add up and displace your neck joints. When your neck muscles are weak and you try to turn your head, the joint does not move smoothly because it’s not in the right place. Often, the joint may catch on something. You might either pull a muscle or hit the nerve irregularly, or maybe both.   This can cause instant pain and your body will have a protective spasm. Your body wants to protect you from getting even more hurt, so it clenches which makes you feel like you can’t even move and leaves you wondering how you injured yourself.   Signs and symptoms of neck pain       ●       Stiffness ●       Tightness

4 Effective Home Remedies to Relieve Back Pain | Ortho Sudha

  As people enter their 40s, they are more vulnerable to suffering from lower back pain. According to a recent health report on men's health, back pain affects about four in five Indians at some point in their lives and equally affects both men and women. The culprit is often just age. With time, the joints and bones in your lower back start to change. Your discs are the structures that act as cushions between the bones of your spine. They have a tendency to wear out and sometimes even become fragmented. These structural changes lead to pain. Most cases of low back pain are a direct consequence of a strain or sprain due to simple overuse, unfamiliar activity, excessive lifting, or an accident. Generally, the best thing to do is to wait and see if the pain goes away on its own. If the pain does not get any better after three to four days, then you should see a doctor. However, based on the severity and cause of your back pain, there are a few home remedies for back pain that can be

Hand Pain: Causes, Stretches and Treatment With Ortho Sudha Oil

  Wrist Pain. Maybe it makes its arrival after a long day of typing at your computer. Or perhaps it comes after a round of tennis or workout session at the gym. No matter when you may feel it, we all suffer from wrist pain at some point or another. If daily activities make your wrists and hands feel achy, taking a break from your work to stretch them throughout the day. This will help in relieving the discomfort. It is very important to stretch the wrist flexors if you want to prevent or treat wrist pain. We keep our wrists in a flexed position for the most part of the day such as when we drive a car, hold a phone, or type on a computer. This is why we need to counter the shortening of the connective tissues (like the tendons) with stretching in extension. Stretching prevents the tissues from getting pulled asymmetrically, which leads to strain, a primary reason behind repetitive stress injury. If done regularly, these stretches will help in preventing tendonitis and carpal tunnel synd