4 Effective Home Remedies to Relieve Back Pain | Ortho Sudha


As people enter their 40s, they are more vulnerable to suffering from lower back pain. According to a recent health report on men's health, back pain affects about four in five Indians at some point in their lives and equally affects both men and women.

The culprit is often just age. With time, the joints and bones in your lower back start to change. Your discs are the structures that act as cushions between the bones of your spine. They have a tendency to wear out and sometimes even become fragmented. These structural changes lead to pain.

Most cases of low back pain are a direct consequence of a strain or sprain due to simple overuse, unfamiliar activity, excessive lifting, or an accident. Generally, the best thing to do is to wait and see if the pain goes away on its own. If the pain does not get any better after three to four days, then you should see a doctor.

However, based on the severity and cause of your back pain, there are a few home remedies for back pain that can be very helpful.

4 Effective Home Remedies to Relieve Back Pain

1.     Hot/Cold Treatments

 Hot and/or cold therapy is a very effective treatment for back pain. If you have suffered an injury such as a collision, a fall, or a sports injury leading to direct lower back pain, hot/cold therapy is an effective solution. Other aches that may be minimized from hot/cold applications are sore muscles as well as a pulled muscle leading to back strain.

The type of pain you experience should determine the kind of hot and/or cold therapy that you choose. If you have acute pain, you should first apply cold, then heat. For chronic discomfort, apply mild heat continuously. Lessen the soreness after exercising by applying ice.

2.     Do Some Stretching

 Do stretching exercises to relax the muscles on your back. The yoga stretch called “Child’s Pose” is very beneficial in easing lower back issues. A knee-to-chest stretch may also be quite good. Stretching the piriformis muscle in the buttock can help you reduce the tightness in your buttock and lower back. Twist your spine gently while seated to do the stretch. This will aid in increasing your mobility. Other stretches that might be good for you are the “Cat-Cow” stretch, which invigorates the spine, and the “Sphinx” stretch: a backbend stretch that strengthens the spine, chest, and buttocks.

3.     Get Better Shoes

 The kind of shoes you choose to wear can have a big impact on the condition of your back and may actually be one of the easiest lower back pain remedies. High heels, as is well known, directly leads to back problems in many people. However, this doesn’t mean that just switching to any flat shoes is enough. It is vital to give the right arch support and cushioning to the foot. This will significantly help in pain management. The fit of your shoes is another important factor. If they are too tight, it can result in foot pain that may lead to you changing the way you walk, and lead to unnecessary stress. Also, wearing shoes that are too loose can lead to you trying to compensate by changing your stride. The best way to maximize your mobility and comfort is by getting orthotic insoles.

4.     Massage with Ortho Sudha

A regular massage is one of the best ways to get rid of any kind of muscle pain. Ortho Sudha is a certified pain relieving oil that is packed with effective ayurvedic ingredients that have been carefully chosen for their analgesic properties. A massage with Ortho Sudha will improve blood circulation, which will help in recovery of muscle soreness after physical activity. It will also relax the muscles for an improved range of motion. Massaging with Ortho Sudha twice a day will also lead to increased endorphin levels.

For more information, please visit https://www.orthosudha.com/


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