How to Manage Joint Pain with Ortho Sudha Oil


Joint pain can be a difficult thing to deal with. It can cause problems in movement and often come with other symptoms such as swelling and stiffness in the joints. Either mild to severe, the pain may be caused by arthritis, gout, sprain or injury affecting the ligaments and tendons that surround the joint.

 If you don’t have any of the above causes and are still suffering from joint pain then Ayurveda may be the answer for you. Ayurveda believes that joint pain occurs as a result of the imbalance in the functional energy or Dosha in the body, called Vata. This energy allows movement and spaces (space between the joints). An imbalance in a form of Vata called Vyana Vata can lead to circulation problems. As a result of this, the tissues do not get the nourishment it needs. This causes wear and tear in the joints leading to severe pain. Another form of energy is the Shleshaka Kapha. This keeps the joints lubricated and allows for smooth movement.

 A dosha imbalance leads to the weakening of the digestive fire. This causes the toxins to accumulate. The toxins are then carried to the joints by Vata which lead to pain. The toxins dry up the Shleshaka Kapha. This has an effect on the lubrication in the joints leading to pain. Ayurvedic treatment for the condition balances vata in the body.

 Ortho Sudha is a certified joint pain oil that is one of the most helpful and best Ayurvedic pain relief oils that can help manage joint pain. This Ayurvedic joint pain relief oil is a herbal oil created using pure Ayurvedic herbs sourced from nature.

 The unique blend of ingredients in it have proven analgesic effects that help in managing joint pain, strengthen the joints and muscles and are thus useful for chronic pain sufferers. The oil should be massaged on the joints affected. People who have severe knee pain can treat it using this oil. Ortho Sudha works by penetrating into the Dhatus or tissues in the joints which helps to manage the symptoms of pain.

 Ortho Sudha pain relief oil in Ayurveda is prepared using the techniques in classical Ayurvedic texts. This formula is very helpful for arthritis sufferers. You can manage the symptoms of arthritis and gout by doing a regular massage with Ortho Sudha. Ortho Sudha is an Ayurvedic massage oil for joint and muscle pain. Ortho Sudha is a completely herbal oil that is free from chemicals, parabens, and petroleum by-products.

Ingredients in Ortho Sudha Oil

     1.     Coconut Oil

2.     Olive Oil

3.     Sesame Oil

4.     Camphor

5.     Menthol

6.     Thymol

7.     Almond Oil

8.     Vitamin E / Wheatgerm Oil

9.     Eucalyptus Oil

10.   Tulsi Oil

11.  Menthol Mint Oil

12.  Mentha Piperita Oil

13.  Rosemary Oil

14. Lavender Oil

15.  Clove Oil

16.  Khus Oil

Benefits of Ortho Sudha Oil

Ortho Sudha oil contains herbal oils that penetrate into the tissues. This allows the oil to be highly effective in managing your joint pain.

      Manages symptoms such as inflammation, stiffness, swelling, and pain in the joints and muscles.

      Helpful and useful for those with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout.

      Improve your joint mobility by using this oil since it can strengthen the joints.

      Massage the affected part with this oil to treat muscle spasms.

      Improves blood flow

      Treats severe knee pain and back pain

How to Use

Take a small amount of oil (approximately 5 ml) in your palms. Now gently massage over the affected area. Do not put excess pressure while you apply this. Use circular motions and keep massaging for 3-5 minutes. Do this 3-4 times in a day for 15 days and further as needed. For best results, give hot fomentation after massaging.

For more information, please visit


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