3 Easy Tips To Get Rid Of Shoulder Pain | Ortho Sudha


The shoulder joint is the most vulnerable to pain and injuries as it’s one of the most used joints in the body such as in lifting, pushing and many other activities that contain risk of damage to your shoulder joints and tendons.

Shoulder pain is generally caused by conditions such as frozen shoulder, arthritis, bursitis, dislocation of the shoulders, fractures as well as inflammation of the tendons, thus it is vital to get proper diagnosis to help in finding an effective remedy and treatment for shoulder pain.

If you are experiencing shoulder pain, the following are some tips for shoulder pain relief.

1.     Rest your shoulder. The first thing to do is to rest the shoulder from any work and pressure. Try to avoid lifting heavy things, pushing or doing any heavy work with your shoulders as this may further aggravate the pain or even do more damage to the shoulder joints.

2.     Another method is to apply ice to the affected shoulder to relieve the pain. Applying ice for up to 15 minutes on the shoulder can relieve pain, but depending on the cause of your pain, you can also choose to apply heat on the affected area. If your shoulder pain is due to frozen shoulder, apply heat to the affected area to regain its normal functioning without the pain. For other kinds of shoulder pain, using ice after exercise helps.

3.     There are a few exercises that help in relieving shoulder pain. Some mild shoulder exercises are the range of motion exercises, exercises for rotator cuff strengthening as well as exercises that build strength in the upper body.

Here are some exercises that might help:

Range of motion exercises are easy exercises to do. Stand straight then lean over a table or something that allows you to dangle your arms. Now make small circles in the air with your dangling, painful arm and then switch to making bigger circles.

Rotator cuff exercises are important to relieve shoulder pain caused due to damage in the rotator cuff muscles. These exercises usually make use of stretch bands that you can pull with your arm, to help strengthen the rotator cuffs.

Aerobic exercises are also useful in improving blood circulation in the body. They help reduce inflammation especially if the cause of your shoulder pain is due to the inflammation of the tendons.

Apart from these, if you’re looking for safe, herbal and ayurvedic medicine for your shoulder pain then you can opt for the best ayurvedic remedy for joint pain- Ortho Sudha. Ortho Sudha Oil is 100% natural and helps get rid of back pain, neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain. It soothes inflamed and stiff joints. It has been carefully prepared using the finest natural extracts. Ortho Sudha has been specially formulated for arthritis affected joints to provide maximum relief from joint inflammation and pain. The natural extracts present in the oil make it better than any other home remedies. It causes no harm to the body making it safer to use compared to allopathic medicines.

For more information, please visit https://www.orthosudha.com/


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