Rheumatoid Arthritis : Symptoms, Stages and Treatment with Ortho Sudha Oil


Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that affects not only the joints, but also the entire body's system, skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. The treatment of this disease can last for a long time or for life. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system starts damaging healthy cells.

The person suffering from this disease has symptoms of pain, swelling and burning in the joints. In Rheumatoid Arthritis, the bones begin to degenerate and the shape of the joints changes as well causing crooked feet and hands or fingers.


1.     Joint Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with joint pain. The joint pain feels worse in the morning or after resting for a long time.

2.     Stiff Muscles

Joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis may feel stiff. If your hands are affected by rheumatoid arthritis, you may not be able to fully close your fingers. The stiffness becomes more severe in the morning or after resting for a long time. Stiffness in the morning can be associated with another type of arthritis, called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes stiffness in the joints in the morning, which lasts only about 30 minutes, but the stiffness caused by rheumatoid arthritis takes longer to go away.

3.     Swelling, redness and warmth

The joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis become inflamed, due to which the affected skin becomes red, and there is pain to touch.

4.      Stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are four stages of rheumatoid arthritis and each has its own treatment options.

Stage 1: This is the initial stage, in which the synovium becomes inflamed. The joint is not damaged, however, the surrounding tissue becomes painful.

Stage 2: This is a moderate stage in which there is damage to the cartilage. Due to this, the joint becomes rigid, which reduces the movement or mobility of the joint.

Stage 3: In this stage, the inflammation pushes out the soft bone (cartilage) and the ends of the bones. Joint instability and deformity in movement are noticeable changes along with pain, swelling and loss of motion.

Stage 4: This is the severe stage of rheumatoid arthritis where the joint becomes completely damaged and stops functioning. Patients struggle with pain, swelling, stiffness along with lack of range of motion. Muscles also become weak and bone replacement may be a treatment option at this stage.

Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Treatment may include:

      Dietary changes

      Exercise routine


      Home remedies

Advances in treatment strategies have led to sometimes better outcomes and improved quality of life for people who have rheumatoid arthritis. Treat-to-target is a treatment philosophy for rheumatoid arthritis that is used effectively to manage the disease.

RA treatment helps to manage the pain and control the inflammatory response if it occurred as a result. Less inflammation can help prevent joint and organ damage.

Ortho Sudha Ayurvedic Oil For Rheumatoid Arthritis

A regular massage is a very good treatment option for joint pain caused by RA. Ortho Sudha Ayurvedic oil has been specifically made to relieve joint pain and inflammation. This ayurvedic massage oil penetrates deep into the joints and provides lubrication which prevents the joints rubbing against each other and causing pain. The unique blends of herbal ingredient in Ortho Sudha will sooth the joint and tamp down the pain. Millions of RA patients around the world have been satisfied with Ortho Sudha.

For more information, please visit https://www.orthosudha.com/


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