8 Tips to Avoid Muscle Pain While Working From Home


Even as the lockdown gets over and India slowly begins to recover, many of us are still working from home. In fact, work from home is starting to feel more normal than going to the office. Many big firms are now debating on whether or not work from home should become a permanent option. Many companies are reluctant to rush into opening their offices, given the concerns around a possible third Covid-19 wave. And while work from home does come with its own set of benefits, there are still some drawbacks.

First of all, working from home does no favors to your body. It can have a negative effect on the body. The poor posture that is associated with a sedentary job can be the cause for joint pain. And while earlier you would move around for meetings and conferences, now even that time is spent on Zoom. Joint Pain is a problem that is becoming more and more common in the office going population of India. To avoid these joint pains, here are some simple ways to keep your body healthy and painless.

8 Simple Ways To Avoid Muscle Pain While Working From Home

1.     Placement of Monitor and Keyboard

The placement of the monitor and keyboard is very essential in avoiding muscle pain. A badly placed monitor can cause neck pain. The best position for a monitor is to keep it at eye level and directly in front of your face. The keyboard should be placed as close to you as possible and at the right level so that you don’t have to slouch your shoulders while typing. This will help in avoiding wrist pain caused by typing and also in increasing your typing speed.

2.     Good Posture

Poor posture is one of the biggest causes of work related back pain. The shoulders should never be slouched for a long period of time. The spine should remain straight. When sitting in the chair, place the feet flat on the floor and lean on the back support of the chair while keeping your spine straight. Your head shouldn’t be tilted one way or the other. It is best to keep the neck in a neutral position to avoid neck pain.

3.     The Right Chair

The right chair can make all the difference in avoiding joint pain. Choose a chair that offers the best support for your back and make sure that it is at the right height in proportion to the desk. If you’re used to working from your office chair, find a similar one for your home as well.

4.     Stretching

Sitting in a chair for a long time can make the muscles stiff. To avoid this, you can do some light stretching exercises at your home to reduce the risk of joint pain.

5.     Break Time

It is very important to take regular breaks even while working from home. Research has shown that staying sedentary for a long period of time can be almost as harmful as smoking for the human body. It is advised to take a break and walk around your home after every hour to reduce the risk of back pain. You can set an alarm or a reminder to remind you to take a break after every hour. 

6.     Don’t Cradle Your Phone 

While it may seem convenient to cradle your phone between your ear and your shoulder while working, it can be disastrous for your neck. It is best to eliminate this habit completely. You can switch to using a headset or a speakerphone for longer conversations.

7.     Rest Your Eyes

Constantly staring at the computer screen can have a very bad effect on the eyes. Close your eyes for a few seconds after every 10 minutes to give them a rest.

8.     Healthy Lunch

The best way to avoid joint pain is to provide the right nutrition to the body. It is best not to skip lunch. Eat healthy and balanced meals to keep your body healthy and strong.

If you do have muscle pains, you can treat it through a good massage with an ayurvedic oil. Make sure you use a pain-relieving oil such as Ortho Sudha. Ortho Sudha is the best pain relief oil for every kind of joint and muscular pain. It has been carefully prepared using the finest natural extracts. Ortho Sudha is specially formulated for muscle pain to provide maximum relief from inflammation and pain. The natural extracts present in the oil make it better than any other home remedies. It causes no harm to the body making it safer to use compared to over-the-counter medications like pain killers.

For more information, please visit https://www.orthosudha.com/


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