Foods to Eat to Prevent Joint Pain | Ortho Sudha


If you suffer from aching knees, stiff shoulders, and other painful joints regularly then you’re not the only one. According to researchers, over 14 million people in a recent survey reported that they suffer from severe joint pain, commonly occurring as a result of inflammation in the body. The treatment generally includes regular exercise and supplements, but what you eat can also have a big effect.

Many foods have a number of compounds that are supported by scientific research to reduce inflammation and/or pain. So, let’s take a look at some of the most beneficial foods for joint pain.



Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial in treating joint pain. It can be mixed with either tea or plain warm water. It has a good effect on reducing swelling and pain around the joints. It is also often used in many ayurvedic medicines. Adding ginger in your diet has many other benefits too, such as weight loss, treating nausea, increasing metabolism and so on.

Apple cider vinegar

There are certain acids in apple cider vinegar that absorb toxins and flush them out of the body. Apple cider vinegar dissolves the acid crystals that get built up in the joint and in turn lowers pain and inflammation. It can be mixed with water or honey. Honey also contains some anti-inflammatory properties which makes the drink even more potent. Having a spoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning, afternoon and evening can treat your joint pain and arthritis quickly.



Turmeric contains a major compound known as curcumin which helps in alleviating symptoms of all sorts of joint pain and arthritis. It can be mixed with warm milk and consumed before bed for best results. It has many healing properties and can be both eaten and applied around the paining area. It is considered as a very useful medicine in Ayurveda because of its medicinal properties and can do wonders for you.




Spinach is rich in both antioxidants and plant compounds which help in fighting against arthritis. It reduces swelling and redness around the joints. It causes relief from pain and also helps in increasing mobility. Spinach lessens the effect of arthritis and is very beneficial in the long run.


Fox Nuts


Fox nuts, also known as makhane, can be very useful in treating arthritis and any other kind of joint pain. It has bone strengthening properties. It also helps in reducing inflammation and relieving pain. Fox nuts can be eaten roasted or with milk to give the best results. Milk is full of calcium, which again is beneficial for the bones and is an important component of your diet.

The most important treatment for joint pain is a massage. Ortho Sudha is the best massage oil for every kind of joint and muscular pain. It has been carefully prepared using the finest natural extracts. Ortho Sudha has been specially formulated for arthritis affected joints to provide maximum relief from joint inflammation and pain. The natural extracts present in the oil makes it better than any other home remedies. It causes no harm to the body making it safer to use compared to allopathic medicines. Ortho Sudha Oil is 100% natural and helps get rid of back pain, neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain. It soothes inflamed and stiff joints.

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